Every month on the Surf Nation coaches newsletter, we aim to recognize one of our coaches who embodies our values, exceeds our standards, and leads by example on the sidelines and in the community.

This month’s coach is Jay Vela from Eastern Washington Surf, where he coaches G10 GA, B10 EA and B11 EA, and the Men’s First Team in the EPLWA. He has been with Surf for three years and took some time to share his influences, views, and sources of inspiration with us recently:
Why do you coach?
I coach for two reasons. I love this game with all my heart, and because I am too old to play it anymore, it is my way of staying involved. The other reason is that I want to provide our youth with lifelong lessons and do my part to help the next generation navigate this ever-changing world.
Who were some of your first real influences when you started your coaching journey?
Jason Cooper and Kenny Krestian were my two main influences in this game. Jason helped me grow up and understand hard work and sacrifice. Kenny helped me truly understand the depths and tactical side of the game while playing for him in College.
Is there a team (past or present) that you model your playing style on?
My playing style is typically determined by my players. I believe that I am an adaptable type of coach and am willing to adjust to benefit my players. But I’d love for all my teams to play like the early 2000’s Arsene Wenger’s Arsenal teams. Some of the one touch, give and go, and movement is like magic to my eyes.
Is there a player (past or present) that inspires you when you watch them play?
I wanted to be Theirry Henry growing up. I played CF like him. I woke up early mornings on the weekends praying that Arsenal were going to be playing on channel 401! I still watch highlights of him. He was elegant and electrifying all in one. He’s the best player I’ve ever seen play the role.
What’s your favorite book related to coaching?
Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin. It’s not about soccer but it’s about taking ownership of your life and your decisions that you make. The principles in this book will not only help athletes grow, but can help you carve a product afterlife beyond sport. I highly recommend it.
Which professional coach do you admire and why?
Arsene Wenger is my guy. The game has evolved from his style but he was the ultimate “players coach” and allowed freedom. I really believe that freedom is what makes this game so beautiful. The game doesn’t allow it like that anymore unfortunately. I also love Arteta, even though he is much more of a dictator, but he does care very much about his players and the fans.
How would you describe the training environment that you look to create?
My ultimate training environment is simple. It’s an environment that my players want to come back to every single day. I strive to keep kids playing this game.
What do you feel that Washington East Surf does better than anyone else as a club?
Washington East Surf is a club that values its employees and treats them like human beings. It’s the main reason why I am at this club!
Learn more about Washington East Surf at https://www.wesurfsc.com/